Wild Rose Assessment

Wild Rose Assessment will be presenting at the February 10, Committee of the Whole Meeting. They will be outlining how the assessment process works. The Committee of the Whole Meeting will be live-streamed at 4:30pm on our YouTube channel, and will be available to watch on-demand after the meeting is over. Thanks for tuning in!


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COVID-19 Cases, Resources and Support Services in Drumheller

Posted on Mar. 24 2021

COVID-19 Cases in Drumheller

Over the past few weeks, as Drumheller's COVID-19 cases have risen and fallen, it has been unclear where the Drumheller Institution federal inmate cases are captured. 

The Town of Drumheller has received a confirmation from a Government of Alberta representative that cases from Drumheller Institution are included in the Drumheller data on the Alberta website. 

The total cases in Drumheller can be found on the geospatial tab on the Government of Alberta's website. 

Federal inmate cases can be found on the Correctional Services of Canada website, however these numbers are represented in Drumheller's cases as noted above. 

For example, if the Government of Alberta's website displays 10 cases in Drumheller, and CSC notes 5 cases within the inmate population, the total cases in Drumheller is 10 not 15.

COVID-19 remains a public health threat, with mandatory measures in effect province wide. Everyone is reminded to maintain physical distancing of at least 2 metres, masks must be worn in indoor public spaces, exercise proper hand and respiratory hygiene.   

Resources for Reporting Public Health Violations

Albertans and Alberta businesses must follow public health orders under the Public Health Act. COVID-19 Public Health Orders are enforceable by law. 

To report a violation, you can create a case on Alberta Health Services website. Please submit your case only once. Alternatively, you can contact Drumheller's Protective Services department at 403-823-1324 to report your concerns. 

Local COVID-19 Supports

Thanks to a Social Services Support for COVID-19 emergency grant from the Province of Alberta, we are happy to announce assistance for individuals towards a number of programs available in the community. If you are isolated at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic or are experiencing food insecurity and need help with meals, transportation to medical appointments or in-home support services such as light housekeeping and/or yard work, please answer the following questions to determine your eligibility for this subsidized program. All information is kept confidential. Funding is limited and the Program will operate as part of our COVID-19 response until funds are fully expended. Learn More>>

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