Wild Rose Assessment

Wild Rose Assessment will be presenting at the February 10, Committee of the Whole Meeting. They will be outlining how the assessment process works. The Committee of the Whole Meeting will be live-streamed at 4:30pm on our YouTube channel, and will be available to watch on-demand after the meeting is over. Thanks for tuning in!

Property Tax

Notice to Ratepayers

On February 8, 2024, the Town of Drumheller mailed out the 2024 Assessment Notices. The 2024 Assessment Notice shows the market value of your property and uses a process which follows guidelines established by the provincial government to help ensure that taxes are distributed fairly. Annual taxes are calculated later in the year.

The Town of Drumheller’s municipal assessment roll is available for review at https://vadim.drumsvcs.com:9191/OnlineServices/PropertyTax.aspx or can be viewed at Town Hall during regular office hours (Monday-Friday, 8:00am-4:30pm) until April 16, 2024.

Property owners or agents interested in objecting to their property assessments must file a complaint by April 16, 2024.

For more information on 2024 Assessment Notices, the complaint process, or if you did not receive your annual Assessment Notice, please contact Corporate Services by calling 403-823-6300 or emailing propertytaxes@drumheller.ca.

Property Tax Information

Property taxes are due on August 31 of every year*.  A 5% penalty will be applied on the unpaid currently levy on September* 1st, and an additional 5% penalty on the unpaid current levy on November 1. All arrears are subject to a monthly penalty of 0.75%, per month, or 9.00% per annum, calculated on the first day of each month.

Monthly pre-authorized payments for property taxes are available. For more information on how to enroll, please contact us.

Property Tax Frequently Asked Questions

How can I Pay my Property Tax?

  • Pre-authorized monthly payment plan
  • Online banking
  • E-transfer to etransfer@drumheller.ca
  • Debit or cash at Town Hall
  • Post dated cheques
  • Credit Card payments via Option Pay

What is a Property Assessment?

Property assessment refers to a reasonable market value of a property. All properties are re-assessed yearly on a wide scale appraisal system. This provides a more equitable & comparative assessment, with the effective date of the assessment being the 31st of December of the previous year. Assessments are required by municipal governments for the formulation of realistic policies related to a designated taxation area. 

Our municipal assessments are divided into neighbourhoods where the sales for the past year are analyzed. This analysis includes contents involved in the sales, market trends and other factors. A modifier is created for the neighbourhood, and applied to those properties. Assessment values have a number of facets used as influencers such as available services, school locations, back alleys, etc.

How do I Appeal my Assessment?

The first step is to compare the assessment value to other similar properties. You can compare the assessment values here.  

Please note, you will require the civic address of the properties you are comparing.
If you require more information than we can provide, you can contact our assessors directly at Wild Rose Assessment Services Ltd. at 403-343-3357 or by fax 403-343-3299.

If you are still not satisfied, your written appeal must be filed with the Assessment Review Board Clerk at the address below within 60 days after the Property Assessment & Tax Notice is sent.

Mail to:
Town of Drumheller 
224 Centre Street 
Drumheller, AB  T0J 0Y4 

A fee of $200.00 per assessment for residential and farmland or $650.00 per assessment for other types of assessment must accompany the prescribed appeal form. The fee is refundable to the appellant if the appeal is withdrawn prior to the board being heard, or if the board rules in favour of the appellant. The form is available at Town Hall or downloaded from the Municipal Affairs website. 

The Town of Drumheller is part of the Central Alberta Regional Assessment Review Board, an independent quasi-judicial board established by the authority of the Municipal Government Act. This board is responsible for making decisions regarding property assessment complaints. 

Only the Municipal Government Board has jurisdiction to deal with complaints about assessments for designated industrial and linear property. 

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