Wild Rose Assessment

Wild Rose Assessment will be presenting at the February 10, Committee of the Whole Meeting. They will be outlining how the assessment process works. The Committee of the Whole Meeting will be live-streamed at 4:30pm on our YouTube channel, and will be available to watch on-demand after the meeting is over. Thanks for tuning in!

Online Services & Payments

How can I Pay my Municipal Invoice?

  • Pre-authorized monthly payment plan
  • Online banking
  • E-transfer to etransfer@drumheller.ca*
  • Debit or cash at Town Hall
  • Post dated cheques
  • Credit Card payments via Option Pay

The Town of Drumheller now brings you the convenience of managing your accounts online at any time. In order to use the Online Services, you will need your PIN ID Number which is printed on your bill or statement.  Don't have an account? Get started here. Want to get started on e-billing? Please fill out this form!

Through our Online Services, you can observe your property tax, property assessments, utility bill, obtain your tax certificate and search the cemetery. This is a great paperless option to access your municipal account!

E-billing is another paperless option that is available. To set up this feature, simply email info@drumheller.ca your civic address and email address you wish to have associated with your municipal invoice. This feature is only available for utility (solid waste, water and wastewater) invoicing purposes. 

OptionPay allows you to use credit card payments for your municipal invoices! Please note, service charges do apply.

*E-transfer Information 

All e-transfer notices come from one generic email from Chinook Credit Union so please include the following in the notes section of your e-transfer:

  • Your full name and phone number
  • A description of what you are applying a payment towards e.g. “Property Tax - Roll #123456000”, or “Criminal Record Check” or “Water Bill – address”
  • If you need a receipt, please indicate in the notes section of your e-transfer your email address

Create an Online Account

To create an online account to access our online services to review your utility invoice, transactions and property tax information, click the Login to Online Services button below. You will be redirected to eServcies (powered by Vadim). Below are the steps to get started!

  1. Select "Link & Register"
  2. Select "Show Me How"
  3. Select Utilities (UB) or Property Taxes (PT). You will need two different accounts for these services.
  • To set up UB-Utility Billing, you will need your account number and pin-number, which are located in the middle of your utility invoice.
  • For support, contact 403-823-1302 or email utilities@drumheller.ca
  • To set up PT-Property Taxes, you will need your roll number and pin-number.
  • To obtain this information, please contact 403-823-1314 or propertytaxes@drumheller.ca

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

The Town of Drumheller is working towards offering Electronic Funds Transfer as payment method to reduce paper and provide a timely and secure payment option. Upon receipt of your Enrollment Form, future payments will be deposited directly to your bank account.

Electronic Funds Transfer Enrollment Form

E-bill Enrollment Request form

E-billing is another paperless option that is available to you, free of charge! To set up this feature, fill out the form below. 

Please note, this feature is only available for utility (solid waste, water and wastewater) invoicing purposes. 

By submitting this application, you agree to the following:

  • Any information that is false, misleading or fraudulent may make this application invalid (at the Town’s discretion)
  • You agree to the terms and conditions by submitting online, and your submission represents equivalency to your signature


Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Act (the Act) for administrative purposes of the Town of Drumheller. Personal information is protected from unauthorized use and disclosure in accordance with the Act and may only be used and disclosed as provided by the Act. Questions regarding the collection of personal information can be directed to the FOIP Coordinator, Town of Drumheller, 224 Centre Street, Drumheller Alberta, T0J 0Y4 403-823-1339

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