Wild Rose Assessment

Wild Rose Assessment will be presenting at the February 10, Committee of the Whole Meeting. They will be outlining how the assessment process works. The Committee of the Whole Meeting will be live-streamed at 4:30pm on our YouTube channel, and will be available to watch on-demand after the meeting is over. Thanks for tuning in!

New Residents

Welcome to the Drumheller Valley! 

Our community has tons to offer, and we hope that your transition to the Valley is simple and enjoyable. Here are a few quick links to get you started on your new journey. 

The quality of life in Drumheller is like none else! Boasting short commutes, the beautiful Red Deer River Valley, year round hiking, rich history and scenic vistas... there is something for everyone in Drumheller. 

Why Drumheller? Read the Top 12 Reasons to live in the Drumheller Valley.

Curious what education and child care, shops and attractions are available? Browse our Business Directory.

Do you want to be a good neighbour? We have a Good Neighbour Guide to help you out with that!

Let's Connect

A community's most valuable resources are its people. Let's Connect is diverse people building strong communities through positive, caring interaction and mutual respect. 

Let’s Connect is a community-based, volunteer-driven initiative in the Drumheller Valley. It helps residents to build relationships with neighbours and increase their sense of belonging.

Let's Connect includes:

Block Buddy

Block Buddies connect with their neighbours, welcome new residents to the neighbourhood and help increase a sense of belonging in the community. Indicate interest below.

A Block buddy:

  • Participates in Block Buddy Training
  • Has a friendly chat with the closest 10-20 neighbours on their block or in their building
  • Welcomes new neighbours
  • Helps neighbours get to know each other by hosting one get together a year
  • Sees how wellness checks can support the neighbourhood for those who are vulnerable
  • Encourages neighbours with the same hobbies and pastimes to connect
  • Facilitates neighbours helping neighbours

Block Parties

A fantastic way to connect with neighbours and build community. Parties can be hosted year-round, may have different themes or even become an annual event. The possibilities are endless!

Book the block party trailer for easy access to tables, chairs, games and so much more.

Welcome Packs

A tailored folder of information about local resources, services and support.

Request yours on the form below.

Welcoming Week

Welcoming Week is an annual opportunity that brings together new and long-time residents to build strong connections. It affirms the importance of welcoming and inclusive places in achieving the common good. Each and every one of us has the power to welcome others in our community.

Welcoming Week happens the second week of September. Stay tuned for the next event!

Let's Connect!


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