Urban Forest Survey

Our team has conducted thorough site assessments and pinpointed several promising areas for Urban Forest Development. Your insights are crucial in ensuring we make the best decisions for our community's green spaces. The survey period is from July 5th to August 19th, 2024.


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Support for Town's COVID-19 Response Expenses Arrives with M.O.S.T. Program

Posted on Oct. 14 2020


The Town of Drumheller has secured financial support for the incremental operating costs incurred through the Municipal Operating Support Transfer (M.O.S.T.) program. This program provides funding to be used to offset operating costs, response and restart, as well as other losses or deficits which are the result of COVID-19.

"We are happy the Province has recognized the significant effort that municipalities like ours have taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19." States Mayor Colberg "These funds can be used to recover expenses the Town has already incurred to prevent the spread of COVID-19 which significantly lessens the local burden of Drumheller's emergency response this spring."

The M.O.S.T. program outlines eligible expenses, including operating costs surrounding:

  • Personal Protective Equipment,
  • Communications,
  • Additional cleaning,
  • Supplemental staffing and,
  • Additional supports for vulnerable populations.

The Provincial Government of Alberta recognized the need that the Town of Drumheller and other municipalities had to protect its residents and as such has received $813,249.00.

To read more about M.O.S.T., please visit their website to review the program details.

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