Wild Rose Assessment

Wild Rose Assessment will be presenting at the February 10, Committee of the Whole Meeting. They will be outlining how the assessment process works. The Committee of the Whole Meeting will be live-streamed at 4:30pm on our YouTube channel, and will be available to watch on-demand after the meeting is over. Thanks for tuning in!


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Dike Condition Inspections

Posted on Sep. 14 2020

Starting on September 17th, engineering consultants and field crews will beginclearing and mowing vegetation on the top and sides of dikesalong the valley.The crews will be inspecting 6.5 km of provincial dikes in various locations.

A condition inspection of provincial dikesis being conducted to determine if maintenance and repairs are required. This also allows us the opportunity to evaluate the condition and assists in determining what our new design will include.

rushing (removal/brushing/trimming of vegetation) is planned for the top of the dikes anddownslope face of the diketowards the river. Brushing using a bobcat with a brush cutter attachment will be usedand branches cut during brushing works will be hauled off-site.

Work is scheduled for the following areas:

  • Dike B (River Grove Campground and Cabins)
  • Dike C (Drumheller North by Travelodge Hotel)
  • Dike D (Badlands Community Facility to Riverside Drive East)
  • Newcastle Dike
  • Midland Dike
  • East Coulee Dike

This work is expected to be completed by the end of October.


To protect Drumheller from rising floodwaters, there are a number of dikes located throughout Town. These dikes have been constructed at different times to protect neighbourhoods from flooding due to ice jams and rising water levels. Dikes constructed throughout the valley take a number of different shapes and forms, from a concrete wall in Midland to earthen dikes in Downtown, to jersey barriers in East Coulee. There is currently over 30km of diking or infrastructure acting as a dike in the valley, and this inspection program is examining approximately 6.5km of dikes.

Did you know that flood infrastructure in town is owned by different levels of government?Different dike infrastructure in the Town of Drumheller is owned by the Town and the Provincial Government. This inspection program is looking at provincially owned dikes to assess the health

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