Urban Forest Survey

Our team has conducted thorough site assessments and pinpointed several promising areas for Urban Forest Development. Your insights are crucial in ensuring we make the best decisions for our community's green spaces. The survey period is from July 5th to August 19th, 2024.


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Historical Resource Assessment and Geotechnical investigation planned for Dike D – Schumacher Corner

Posted on Jun. 30 2021

Below is information on the Historical Resource Assessment and Geotechnical investigation planned for Dike D – Schumacher Corner.

  • The geotechnical drilling program at Schumacher Corner planned for July 6th has been cancelled
  • Line locates prior to this field program at Schumacher Corner will be completed the week of July 5th.
  • The geotechnical investigation at Schumacher Corner will be completed in conjunction with the Historical Resource Assessment field program
  • The Historical Resource Assessment for all of Dike D (Aquaplex to Schumacher Corner) is being planned for the week of July 12 – likely July 13-14
  • The Historical Resource Assessment is being undertaken by Circle CRM Group (a subconsultant to SweetTech)
  • The field program will take 2 days
  • At Schumacher Corner a backhoe will be slowly digging test pits for deep investigation for the presence of historical or archaeological resources
  • Any historical or archaeological resources found will be identified, catalogued and reported to the Province
  • The test pits will also provide additional soils and geotechnical information – a geotechnical engineer will be on-site
  • The rest of the Historical Resource Assessment from Schumacher Corner to the Aquaplex will not require any ground disturbance and will just entail the consultant walking the area
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