Wild Rose Assessment

Wild Rose Assessment will be presenting at the February 10, Committee of the Whole Meeting. They will be outlining how the assessment process works. The Committee of the Whole Meeting will be live-streamed at 4:30pm on our YouTube channel, and will be available to watch on-demand after the meeting is over. Thanks for tuning in!


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The Badlands Community Facility and Drumheller Aquaplex Change Membership Fee Model

Posted on Dec. 6 2021

Drumheller’s recreation facilities will be offering a new membership model to the community in the new year. This includes a rate reduction for recreation memberships. The proposed model was approved at the Monday, December 6 Council Meeting after a presentation from Administration.

The new model will see the daily admission rate remain as it is, and the Three Month, Six Month and Annual membership categories are eliminated as options. A membership at the Badlands Community Facility (BCF), Aquaplex, or both (multi-facility), will be month-to-month that will auto-renew each month until the member decides to pause or cancel their membership, regardless of reason.

“We have heard through a variety of public participation methods over the last few years that our recreation membership costs are too high for the average community member and potentially discouraging in some cases,” begins the Manager of Recreation, Arts and Culture, Darren Goldthorpe. “Our team has worked hard to streamline our membership categories as well, in aim to make us more aligned with other comparable municipal facilities.”

Part of the study included comparing Drumheller to municipal facilities in Airdrie, Cochrane, Blackfalds, Innisfail, Ponoka, Stettler and Three Hills.  Drumheller’s 2021 recreation membership fees were above average in all categories, however, the new model brings rates to below average.

One-Month Memberships

2021 BCF


2021 Aquaplex

Aquaplex New

2021 Multi-facility

Multi-facility New





























Those that already have an active membership under the existing structure would be permitted to use their existing pass for the duration of their membership and then would be required to switch over to the new model.

For more information, please contact the Recreation Department:

Aquaplex 403-823-1322

Badlands Community Facility 403-823-1370

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