Notice of Public Hearing - Proposed Bylaw 15.21 with Survey for Resident Feedback
Posted on Jun. 29 2021
- There are approximately six “high-volume” customers in Drumheller
- The difference of an average residential bill compared to the average “high-volume” customer is approximately 130 times (for example, a residential wastewater of $100.00/month would equate to $13,000.00 for “high-volume”; or $1,200.00 compared to $156,000.00 annually)
- This translates into an average cost increase of approximately $1.60 per customer per month, depending on household consumption.
Notice of Public Hearing - Proposed Bylaw 15.21
PURPOSE: To consider a bylaw to make amendments to the Water and Wastewater Bylaw 15.21.
There are two changes that have been brought forward for consideration.
- Allow for multiple water services and water meters for a single lot at the discretion of the Chief Administrative Officer. This change brings flexibility into the bylaw to allow for alternative servicing options for multi-unit residential and commercial units that are intended for rental.
- To review and propose a solution for high volume industrial and commercial water customers that do not send much of their water down their sanitary service. An example would include water haulers that use the transported water for oilfield services or a business that uses water to make a product that is sold or consumed.
Any person adversely or otherwise affected by this action and wishing to address Council relating to this matter shall contact or 403-823-1339 to make arrangements to attend the Council meeting on July 12, 2021.
The Town of Drumheller will hold remote virtual Public Hearings during the Regular Council Meeting on Monday July 12, 2021 beginning at 5:30pm
The Public Hearing will be live-streamed at
Persons wishing to submit a letter, petition or other communication concerning these matters in advance of the Public Hearing may do so by mail or dropping off submissions to: Legislative Services Town of Drumheller 224 Centre Street, Drumheller, Alberta
T0J 0Y4 or email at
Written submissions will be received up to Thursday July 8, 2021, at 12:00 p.m.
A copy of the proposed bylaw is available online at