Drumheller Expedites and Waives Patio Permit Fees
Posted on Apr. 14 2021
The Town of Drumheller is lending a hand to help local restaurants and bars in light of recent restrictions on indoor dining enacted by the province earlier this month. Drumheller will be waiving patio permit fees for patios on private property, expediting patio permit applications and loaning outdoor furniture* to restaurants throughout the valley.
“Council approved a policy for patios on public land early 2019,” begins Chief Administrative Officer, Darryl Drohomerski. “The Town supplied patio furniture and installed three woonerf-style patios downtown over the last two years. We’re excited at the potential to add more seating to our downtown core and other areas around our community, especially during these challenging times.”
Restaurants and businesses who would like a new patio, or an extension of an existing patio on private land will have the development permit application fee of $65.00 waived. Patios or woonerfs on public land do not have a fee, however a permit application is still required. The development department at Town Hall will be focusing on expediting the applications. To license a patio, applicants must work with Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis to obtain proper licensing. If applicants are serving food, they must work with Alberta Health Services.
“We’re fortunate to have many restaurants with beautiful patio spaces, and it’s great to see the Town working hard to make it easier for those wanting patios to get them built. The Chamber is happy to work alongside business owners to coach them through the process if needed,” shares Marley Henneigh, Office and Chamber Services Coordinator with the Drumheller and District Chamber of Commerce. “The Chamber has been making social media posts for folks to share their favorite patios and picnic spots around the community. We hear the concerns and frustration from businesses, and hope people will continue supporting all local businesses.”
The Town of Drumheller’s development team contact information can be found here.
*Available to public patios, limited supplies available
Supporting Documentation